Vape Hot

Why Is My Vape Hot?

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking, with millions of people worldwide adopting the practice. However, a common concern that many vapers encounter is the device getting unusually hot. This is especially concerning when it comes to the term “disposable vape is hot.” In this article, we’ll delve deep into the reasons why vapes get hot, the dangers associated with overheating, and ways to prevent it. Are you looking for quality vape products? Don’t hesitate to visit our vape shop first. 

Understanding the Basic Mechanics of Vaping

Before we dive into the primary causes of a hot vape, it’s essential to grasp how a vaping device works. At its core, a vape uses a coil that heats the e-liquid to produce vapor. This heating process naturally generates heat. But the critical question is – how hot does a vape coil get? Under normal conditions, a vape coil can reach temperatures ranging from 200°C to 250°C (392°F to 482°F). However, this doesn’t mean that the exterior of the device should get too hot to handle.

Continuous Vaping

One of the primary reasons for a vape overheating is chain vaping. Continuous vaping doesn’t give your device enough time to cool down between puffs.

  • Effect on Disposable Vapes: When a disposable vape is hot, it can often be due to chain vaping. Since disposables are smaller and generally less robust than mod devices, they can be more susceptible to overheating from continuous use.

Blocked Airflow

The airflow in a vaping device helps cool down the vapor before you inhale it. Yet, if this airflow gets blocked, it can cause the device to overheat.

  • Effect on Disposable Vapes: Disposables have smaller airways, making them more vulnerable to blockages. This means that even a slight blockage can cause a disposable vape overheating issue.

Faulty Batteries

A malfunctioning battery can be a leading culprit behind an overheating vape. Batteries that are damaged or improperly stored can cause a device to overheat.

  • Effect on Disposable Vapes: Since disposable vapes come with pre-installed batteries, purchasing from reputable brands and ensuring proper storage to avoid battery-related overheating is vital.

Coils and Wick Issues

An old or burnt-out coil can cause the device to work harder, leading to overheating. Similarly, if the wick isn’t fully saturated with e-liquid, it can result in a dry hit and an increased device temperature.

  • Effect on Disposable Vapes: Although you can’t replace the coil in a disposable vape, noticing a burnt taste can indicate that it’s time to dispose of it and avoid potential overheating.

External Environmental Factors

External environmental factors play a significant role in influencing the performance and temperature of vape devices. Just as extreme weather can affect electronics like smartphones, vaping devices are susceptible to their surroundings. High ambient temperatures can cause the device to feel warm even before it’s used, which means even a short vaping session might cause the device to become hotter than usual. On the other hand, using a vape in cold conditions can affect battery performance and e-liquid viscosity, potentially leading to a less satisfying vaping experience.

Moreover, exposing the vape to direct sunlight, especially in summer, can result in overheating and decreased battery lifespan. It’s not just the heat; high humidity levels can interfere with the device’s circuitry and e-liquid consistency. Therefore, vapers should be conscious of their environment and ensure they store and use their devices in conditions that aren’t too harsh or extreme.

Why is My Vape Hot When Charging? 

Much like charging any electronic device, charging a vape naturally produces some heat. But if your vape becomes excessively hot while charging, it may cause concern. Multiple factors contribute to this issue. 

Firstly, using a non-compatible charger or charging cable with a higher output than what the vape is designed for can cause the battery to overheat. Batteries that are damaged, old, or of poor quality can also get particularly hot during charging. Another reason is the environment; charging in areas with high ambient temperatures or direct sunlight can make the device warmer than usual. Continuous use of the vape while charging can also generate additional heat. 

Overheating while charging is a serious concern because it can compromise battery life device performance and, in rare cases, even lead to battery failures. Always ensure you use the recommended charging accessories and regularly inspect your battery’s health. 

Dangers Associated with Overheating

An overheated vape can be harmful in several ways:

  • Burn Risk: If the device gets too hot, it can cause burns or discomfort when held.
  • Battery Danger: Overheated batteries can be a potential hazard, leading to leakage or, in rare cases, an explosion.
  • Decreased Lifespan: Continuous overheating can reduce the life of your vaping device, leading to frequent replacements and increased costs.
  • Compromised Vaping Experience: An overheated vape can result in dry hits, a burnt taste, and reduced vapor production.

Is It Bad for Vape Juice to Get Hot?

Vape juice, or e-liquid, is an intricate blend of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), nicotine, and flavorings. When this liquid gets excessively hot outside of the controlled environment of your vape device, it can undergo changes that might not be favorable for your vaping experience. Heat can cause the e-liquid to thin out, potentially leading to leaks in some vape devices. A change in the viscosity of the e-liquid might also affect the wicking process, potentially leading to dry hits or a burnt taste. 

Additionally, prolonged exposure to high temperatures can degrade the nicotine and flavorings, causing the e-liquid to lose its potency and intended taste profile. The potential oxidation process can further lead to a change in the color of the juice. To preserve the quality and integrity of vape juice, it’s advisable to store it in a cool and dark place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. 

Preventing Your Vape from Overheating

To ensure your vaping experience is safe and enjoyable, follow these precautions:

  • Take Breaks: Avoid chain vaping. Give your device some time to cool down between sessions.
  • Regular Maintenance: Clean the airflow regularly and replace old or burnt-out coils.
  • Store Properly: Keep your vaping device in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Choose Quality Products: Invest in good-quality vaping devices, especially when considering disposable vapes. A quality disposable vape will have safety measures in place to prevent overheating.


Understanding why your vape gets hot and knowing how to prevent it can ensure a longer device lifespan and a better vaping experience. Whether using a mod device or wondering why your disposable vape is hot, following the recommended guidelines and safety practices is essential. Remember, while the coil inside the vape is meant to get hot, the device’s exterior should always be at a comfortable temperature for safe use.