Learn Piano By Yourself

How To Learn Piano By Yourself?

If you believe a myth that learning the piano by adults is a complicated task that not everyone will handle, we are here to tell you otherwise. Children tend to learn a musical instrument faster because of their brain’s features, but it doesn’t mean it is impossible to learn piano if you are an adult. Moreover, you can even know how to play the piano by yourself! It is a nice option to save money on music tutors and memorize some music pieces. Today, we’ll discuss a few practices on how to learn the piano by yourself without a teacher.

How To Learn The Piano By Yourself: Best Ideas Explained

1. Get a musical instrument

First things first – you need to purchase or get a piano or a keyboard. If you can’t afford to buy an acoustic piano for some reason, you can easily rent it in some local places. Make sure the piano is tuned before you start to learn. As for a keyboard, select one that features 88 keys as in the typical piano – you can find good deals at Amazon.

2. Learn basic knowledge

Your next step is getting familiar with the piano itself and learning the fundamentals. Make sure you understand where middle C is, the primary keys, an octave, etc. Knowing some essential musical terms is also an excellent consideration.

3. Focus on the major keys

Whether you learn a piano on your own, you should begin with learning the primary keys – C-D-E-F-G-A-B. Simple songs such as «Mary Had a Little Lamb» can help you teach major keys quicker. Besides, focus on learning scales until you memorize which notes are in a major key.

4. Learn common chords

If you wonder how to learn piano by yourself online, you can refer to the platforms like OnlinePianist.com, which can significantly help you. You can learn and play 12 major and 12 minor piano chords at this online resource. Once you handle basic chords, you can walk over to more advanced chords.

5. Memorize some music patterns

There are patterns in rhythm and tone and left-accompaniment patterns. Every music piece features its patterns, so you can refer to music vocabulary to learn them.

6. Learn fingering

Another important tip on how to learn piano fast by yourself is teaching proper fingering. Learning scales appears to be the best way to understand finger placement on the piano. Begin with the major scales, and go to the minor scales later. By the way, you can seek online platforms for learning piano that offer finger exercises.

7. Learn how to read music

Memorizing the music patterns, significant keys, chords, and fingering comes into play when reading music. You can also try to play some simple music pieces to teach how to read music and play simultaneously.

8. Practice

Practice is key to success while learning the piano, so make sure you learn to play the piano for at least 30 minutes every day. If you wonder how long does it take to learn piano by yourself, it might require between three to five years of consistent study and practice.