
How Long Does Psilocybin Stay In Your System

Not surprisingly, in recent years, the general interest in magic mushrooms has grown rapidly. Also called hallucinogenic mushrooms, shrooms, or even “magic shrooms”, these can provide a fun and entertaining experience. Studies show that magic mushrooms also have an incredible potential for improving mental health and well-being when used in the right conditions and in the right way. That is why in this article we are going to dwell on the magic mushrooms and their influence on your system.

How long does a trip on magic mushroom last?

As a rule, a trip on magic mushrooms lasts from 4 to 6 hours. The first effects appear after about 30 minutes, but it can be up to an hour depending on the dose and individual metabolism of a person. By the way, it depends on age and weight as well.

After ingestion, psilocybin is converted to psilocin. It is believed to act at the level of serotonin in the brain because it is an analog of serotonin. Brain studies have shown that some areas of the brain have reduced activity under the influence of psilocybin, leading to altered and unusual perceptions.

The effects last from 30 to 45 minutes, starting at a peak of about 90 minutes, and can last up to 6 hours. This coincides with the time when the metabolite psilocin enters the bloodstream and then, in most cases, gets filtered in the kidneys.

What are the effects of magic mushrooms?

Physical effects include nausea and yawning. Mental effects include feelings of relaxation and introspective experiences that may feel spiritual. But there can be unpleasant mental consequences, including nervousness, paranoia, and panic reactions.

In addition, it is recommended to be patient and calm while waiting for the “trip” to start because taking too many shrooms can have a bad influence on your physical and mental health. Keep in mind, it is not possible to stop the trip when your “flight” has started.

What to do in a case of a bad trip?

Those who experiment with mushrooms often talk about the notorious “bad trip”. A bad trip is an unpleasant experience that happens when a person under the influence of a psychedelic compound can not control the bad thoughts or feelings they experience.

There are a few practices you can try if you feel like you are the one, who experiences a bad trip.

First, deep breathing can help you relax and reduce anxiety. Remember that you have consumed a psychoactive product, and what you feel is largely related to its effect on your mind.

Let your friends know what is happening to you if there is somebody near you. Explaining your feelings can help you overcome stress and understand how to move to a better state of mind.

If nothing helps, remember that all the negative emotions experienced during a mushroom trip will surely end as soon as the effect disappears. If you don’t think that something would help you to end a bad trip, sit back and wait for a few hours. You will feel better after psilocybin leaves your system.