Word Document

5 Ways to Recover Unsaved Word Document on Windows 10

Thousands of people all over the world use Windows 10. It is rather convenient to write various word documents on Windows 10, as it is the most suitable for business. However, sometimes there may appear some problems and errors with the system.

Furthermore, the users may save their documents improperly or close a word document without saving. As a result, some papers may be accidentally deleted. In such a case, it is highly recommended to use hard drive recovery san diego recover unsaved word document fast and almost without any affords.

So, is there any way to recover unsaved word documents? Is it possible to recover word document which was not saved? Keep on reading to find the answers and to get to know a lot of interesting information about the word recover of the unsaved document.

How to Recover Unsaved Word Document Windows 10?

Without any doubts, there are a lot of people all over the world who believe that all the deleted files, folders and documents disappear somewhere in the middle of nowhere and it becomes impossible to find and recover them. However, it has been already proved that it is just an old stereotype. So, how to recover a word document? Let us consider five most efficient and popular ways which will help you to recover all the deleted and unsaved documents on Windows 10.

1.      There are a lot of useful options which will help you to recover the deleted documents and unsaved files. You just need to click on settings on your Windows 10. First of all, it is necessary to find a section called «Manage documents».  After that it is rather easy to recover the unsaved documents and files, clicking on this option.

2.      Besides, you may find all the necessary data and documents which were deleted in the archive. However, it is worth to remember that all the files can be saved in the archive only for four days. After that, they disappear from your computer or laptop.

3.      You may also find some documents using the word backup files from your computer. You need to locate them and open a backup folder.

4.      If you are entirely sure that some particular documents or folders were not deleted from your Windows 10, you may quickly find them with the help of another option called «Temporary files.» There are some files which were not opened for an extended period or just were lost.

5.      Also, you may find some necessary documents among the recently opened ones. You need to click on this option on Windows 10.


Can Microsoft Word recover unsaved documents? Definitely, yes. You need to be aware of some outstanding options for Windows 10 and follow some useful tips.